March 8, 2012

Nick Nolte??

I swear, throw a hawaiian shirt on this boy & you've got a younger Nick Nolte 
(minus the mug shot)

January 24, 2012


Seriously?? One day in drop off day care and BAM, sick. Just more conviction on why I stay home w/ him.

January 14, 2012

The Future Steve Jobs

After a long night of programming and coming up with brilliant ideas, toddler h is zonked! 

January 5, 2012

No Sir!

He can climb up on everything these days, coffee table included. Nice. 

January 4, 2012

Peanut Allergy II

We took a trip to the doctors office and toddler H watched the fish while we waited over an hour past our appointment. 

And so we are now owners of this scary device!

Epi-Pen Jr.